
Feeding support whether breastfeeding or bottle feeding

Parent care and emotional encouragement

Newborn care not limited to diapering, soothing, and babywearing

With Due North, postpartum doula care creates a temporary village and can help bridge the gaps in our health care system. We can help you to feel more comfortable with what is in the range of normal, build your confidence, and help you get some rest and self-care in the process.

It can be difficult to gauge how much help you may nor may not need in those blurry, early days with a newborn. This is why after the birth of your baby, we remain on-call for you for the first 40 days up to a total of 20 hours, giving each individual client the option and peace of mind of in-home postpartum support at no additional cost.

Through in-home visits, we come and help new families become oriented with their new roles.

Ways we can help:

  • Share basic breastfeeding support

  • Help to identify when a lactation consultant referral is needed

  • Light meal preparation for the postpartum parent

  • Share safe bottle and formula feeding practices

  • Basic infant care skill-sharing, such as assistance in bathing, basic hygiene, soothing techniques, and sleeping rhythms

  • Offer useful guidance regarding cloth diapering and baby-wearing